Over 200 referred journal articles, application notes & white papers using DRS Daylight Solutions’ QCL-based technologies

Over the past few years, quantum cascade lasers (QCL) have evolved from scientific curiosities to enablers of commercial instruments, providing sensing, detection, and molecular spectroscopy. Here you’ll find discussions ranging from the basic physics of QCL core technology to system level applications. Topics include stand-off explosive detection, distributed sensor networks, trace gas analysis, ring resonators and waveguides, as well as in vitro glucose detection, and mid-IR imaging. Feel free to review and download information of interest from this growing pool of resources.

If you would like to share your work in mid-IR quantum cascade lasers with others, please send a pdf of your paper or provide a link to [email protected]. We would be pleased to add it to our site for the benefit of all.

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Scientific Research Paper Title Authors Journal Application Product Year
Standoff photoacoustic spectroscopy C. W. Van Neste, L. R. Senesac, T. Thundat Applied Physics Letters 92, 234102 Standoff Detection EC-QCL, Hedgehog 2017
Real-time breath gas analysis of CO and CO2 using an EC-QCL Ghorbani, R, Schmidt, F. M. Applied Physics B, DOI 10.1007/s00340-017-6715-x Gas/Liquid Phase Analysis MHF 2017
Fourier-transform vs. quantum-cascade-laser infrared microscopes for histo-pathology: From lab to hospital? Abiodun Ogunleke, Vladimir Bobroff, Hsiang-Hsin Chen, Jeremy Rowlette, Maylis Delugin, Benoit Recur, Yeukuang Hwu, Cyril Petibois Analytical Chemistry/ DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2017.02.007 Tissue Analysis, Chemical Imaging, Biomedical Spero 2017
High definition infrared chemical imaging of colorectal tissue using a Spero QCL microscope B. Bird and J. Rowlette Royal Chemistry Society/ DOI: 10.1039/c6an01916a Tissue Analysis, Chemical Imaging, Biomedical Spero 2017
Scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy with low-repetition-rate pulsed light source through phase-domain sampling Haomin Wang, Le Wang & Xiaoji G. Xu Nature Communications / DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13212 Nanoscale MIRcat 2016
Ultrasonic photoacoustic spectroscopy of trace hazardous chemicals using quantum cascade laser Kumar, D., Ghai, D. P., Soni, R. K. Optics Communication Standoff Detection MIRcat, Hedgehog 2016
Defect and Deformation of Boron Nitride Nanotubes Studied by Joint Nanoscale Mechanical and Infrared near-Field Microscopy Xu, X. G., Gilburd, L., Bando, Y., Golberg, D., Walker, G. C. Journal of Physical Chemistry, DOIL 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b10670 Nanoscale MIRcat 2016
Site-Specific Dynamics of β-Sheet Peptides and DPro-Gly Turns Probed by Laser-Excited Temperature-Jump Infrared Spectroscopy Alexander Popp, David Scheerer, Heng Chi, Timothy A. Keiderling, Karin Hauser Chem Phys Chem DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201501089 Time Resolved, Biomedical MIRcat 2016
Microfluidic cantilevel detects bacteria and measures their susceptibility to antibiotics in small confined volumes Etayash, H., Khan, M. F., Kaur, K. Thundat, T. Nature Communications DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12947 Biomedical MIRcat 2016
A protocol for rapid, label-free histochemical imaging of fibrotic liver B. Bird, J. Rowlette Analyst/ DOI: 10.1039/C6AN02080A Chemical Imaging, Cancer Research Spero 2016

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