Over 200 referred journal articles, application notes & white papers using DRS Daylight Solutions’ QCL-based technologies

Over the past few years, quantum cascade lasers (QCL) have evolved from scientific curiosities to enablers of commercial instruments, providing sensing, detection, and molecular spectroscopy. Here you’ll find discussions ranging from the basic physics of QCL core technology to system level applications. Topics include stand-off explosive detection, distributed sensor networks, trace gas analysis, ring resonators and waveguides, as well as in vitro glucose detection, and mid-IR imaging. Feel free to review and download information of interest from this growing pool of resources.

If you would like to share your work in mid-IR quantum cascade lasers with others, please send a pdf of your paper or provide a link to [email protected]. We would be pleased to add it to our site for the benefit of all.

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Scientific Research Paper Title Authors Journal Application Product Year
Mid-IR laser-based sensor for hydrogen peroxide detection Nancy P. Sanchez, Yajun Yu, Lei Dong, Robert J. Griffin, and Frank K. Tittel SPIE Newsroom DOI: 10.1117/2.1201601.006295 Environmental Monitoring EC-QCL, Hedgehog 2017
Stability of widely tunable, continuous wave external-cavity quantum cascade laser for absorption spectroscopy Vasili L. Kasyutich, R.K. Raja Ibrahim, Philip A. Martin Infrared Physics and Technology DOI: 10.1016/j.infrared.2010.07.004 QCL Technology EC-QCL, Hedgehog 2017
Application of quantum cascade lasers to trace gas analysis A. Kosterev, G. Wysocki, Y. Bakhirkin, S. So, R. Lewicki, M. Fraser, F. Tittel, R. F. Curl Appl. Phys. B 90, 165-176 DOI: 10.1007/s00340-007-2846-9 Gas/Liquid Phase Analysis, QCL Technology EC-QCL, Hedgehog 2017
Direct and wavelength modulation spectroscopy using a cw external cavity quantum cascade laser G. Hancock, J. H. van Helden, R. Peverall, G. A. D. Ritchie, and R. J. Walker Applied Physics Letters 94, 201110 QCL Technology EC-QCL, Hedgehog 2017
Application Note: Continuous tuning of a Daylight Solutions 6.06 µm cw Ecqcl™ without loss of coverage due to mode hops via sequential scans at different laser head temperatures. Gary Douberly QCL Technology EC-QCL, CW/ mode-hop-free 2017
Utilizing broad gain bandwidth in quantum cascade devices Miles J. Weida, David Caffey, Jeremy Rowlette, David F. Arnone, Timothy Day Optical Engineering Vol. 49(11) QCL Technology EC-QCL, Hedgehog 2017
QEPAS detector for rapid spectral measurements A.A. Kosterev, P.R. Buerki, L. Dong, M. Reed, T. Day, F.K. Tittel Appl Phys B DOI 10.1007/s00340-010-3975-0 Gas/Liquid Phase Analysis, QCL Technology EC-QCL, Hedgehog 2017
Performance characteristics of a continuous-wave compact widely tunable external cavity interband cascade lasers David Caffey, Timothy Day, Chul Soo Kim, Mijin Kim, Igor Vurgaftman, William W. Bewley, J. Ryan Lindle, Chadwick L. Canedy, Joshua Abell, Jerry R. Meyer Vol. 18, No. 15/ Optics Express QCL Technology EC-QCL, Hedgehog 2017
NO trace gas sensor based on quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy and external cavity quantum cascade laser V. Spagnolo, A.A. Kosterev, L. Dong, R. Lewicki, F.K. Tittel Appl Phys B (2010) 100: 125-130 DOI 10.1007/s00340-010-3984-z QCL Technology EC-QCL, Hedgehog, MHF 2017
Quantum Cascade lasers in chemical physics Robert F. Curl, Federico Capasso, Claire Gmachl, Anatoliy A. Kosterev, Barry McManus, Rafal Lewicki, Michael Pusharsky, Gerard Wyscoki, Frank K. Tittel Chemical Physics Letters doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2009.12.073 QCL Technology 2017

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