Daylight Solutions

Hedgehog™ Mid-IR Laser

Tune 100s of cm-1 at 1000 cm-1/s.

Cute name. Fearsome performance. Ideal for laboratory or OEM use, the Hedgehog Mid-IR Laser is DRS Daylight’s next-generation tunable laser head. Built on our proven External Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser technology, the Hedgehog laser is a unique combination of small size, tuning speeds to > 5000 cm-1/s, CW or pulsed output, high power, TEM00 beam quality, and unmatched spectral repeatability.

Molecular spectroscopy applications benefit from rapid, high-SNR data acquisition. Probing multiple molecules, or probing an absorption feature with high dynamic range, also benefits from broad mid-IR tuning. The Hedgehog system provides these benefits, with its wide, rapid tuning across the mid-IR spectrum, low-noise output, and high spectral and spatial beam quality. Its sealed, alignment-free design and GUI and SDK included as standard let you access this performance with ease.

Select from three standard Hedgehog models: Hedgehog (tunes up to 200 cm-1), Hedgehog-UT (tunes up to 400 cm-1), and Hedgehog-LT (tunes up to 30 cm-1).

MIRcat Mid-IR Laser

Peak velocities up to 30,000 cm-1/s

The MIRcat adds high-speed tuning, higher spectral repeatability, improved thermal management, and longer-wavelength options to the first generation of the MIRcat laser, a field-proven multi-quantum cascade laser system. The MIRcat is truly a one-box, fully automated system with a flexible, modular design that allows factory configuration of up to four pulsed or continuous wave/pulsed modules, plus the option to add or upgrade modules later. The MIRcat offers a tuning range approaching 1000 cm-1 (> 6 µm) and wavelength coverage to > 13 µm. It also delivers unmatched, industry-leading performance in critical areas like peak tuning speeds of > 30,000 cm-1/s, output power up to 1 W, and TEM00 beam quality to enable high-efficiency fiber coupling. A new, higher-precision tuning mechanism and lower-noise drive electronics provide wavelength repeatability as high as < 0.1 cm-1 and CW RIN as low as -140 dBc/Hz.